Category: Women Fashion

Aventura Shirts for Smart Casual

Arepolo shirts have been growing in popularity over recent years. They offer casual comfort and elegance. There are many different manufacturers of these shirts, each offering their own personal style and distinct fabric qualities. If you are looking for a simple option for smart casual wear that can be dressed up or down, the arepolo […]

What is the Most Popular Clothing Brand in USA?

What is the most popular clothing brand in USA? It’s hard to pinpoint one label as the top choice for everyone. As consumers we’re bombarded with messages from designers, merchandisers and marketing gurus about what’s popular, trendy, popular and hip. The truth is that fashion is a highly personal experience and not a “one size […]

How Do You Dress Feminine and Not Girly – Easy Guide

Every girl out there wants to know how do you dress feminine and not girly. Fashion has always been an important part of every woman’s life. However, most women have become conscious about certain things like how they look and what they wear. They no longer want to just wear whatever they want to wear […]

Is Mulberry Poisonous?

Is mulberry toxic to humans? This is a question that people from all walks of life have been asking since the early 1990’s when the highly craved shampoo labeled as “Mulberry” began to emerge on the market. At first, the question wasn’t even about whether or not this product was actually harmful to consumers, but […]

How Do You Look Elegant and Classy at 50?

How do you look elegant and classy at 50? It is not as easy a question as some people think. While the fashion industry for women has developed tremendously over the past half decade, the “look” for older women still hasn’t evolved to the point where it captures the interest of men. Older women should […]

Is Burberry Still Popular?

Burberry has been around for a long time and it is one of the most iconic fashion brands in the world. The Burberry mission pack was an innovation that launched the brand into high profile fashion campaigns and helped to put it into the hands of fashion conscious women all over the world. The Burberry […]

Zara a Luxury Brand

Is Zara an expensive brand? Is Louis Vuitton better than Chanel? Is Versace better than Gucci? Is Zara an expensive brand? All these questions and more should be popping into your head if you are thinking of investing in a designer handbag. First, let us define luxury. Luxury is defined as having superior taste, good […]

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Glamorous?

Many women have asked that question over again, what does it mean when a guy calls you glamorous. The truth is that there are a lot of gorgeous women out there in the world, and many guys are just not aware of them. It takes more than just good looks for a woman to be […]

What Are the Three Theories of Aesthetic Theory?

What are the three theories of aesthetics? According to some people the three theories are: Clashing Styles, Aesthetic Appeal, and Interpretation. I will show you what are the three theories of aesthetics and how they affect fashion. The first theory of fashion is Clashing Styles. When a style is found to be “too” similar to […]